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How to create your personal code word

In order to be able to correctly assign your data without violating confidentiality, we require a code word.
The code word is structured in such a way that no one can infer your person from your code word, not even us.
However, you yourself can reconstruct your code word at any time if you are asked for it and should have forgotten it.
We only need to tell you the rule according to which you have to produce it.

These are the components of your code word:

  1. the last two letters of your mother's maiden name
  2. the number of letters of your mother's (first) given name
  3. the last two letters of your father's (first) given name
  4. your own birthday (only the day, not the month and / or year)

Additional instructions:

  • Please write all numbers with two digits. If necessary, use a leading zero (for example 01).
  • In case of several or compound first names, please consider only the first one.
  • If you do not know the respective name, use XX for the letters and 00 for the number.

Example (fictional):

  • Name of the mother: Elke-Hannelore Müller née Mayerhofer
  • Name of the father: Wolf-Rüdiger Müller
  • Your birthday: 09.11.1987

This results in the following code word: ER04LF09

Please enter your code word in the boxes:

Please do not hesitate to e-mail Dr. Lennart Wittkuhn in case of questions.